Monday, September 6, 2010

Henri Lou Inspired Bracelet

Looking for the 100 Follower Giveaway? Go HERE (now closed)

Photo from Henri Lou website
Happy Labor Day! Anyone hittin' up some of the big sales today?! Hope you've been enjoying your holiday weekend :)
Last week while watching some TV, and folding laundry (of course), I saw these bracelets by Henri Lou, a jewlery high-end jewlery designer. When I saw these I thought "I could totally make that!"- don't you just love those moments? Well, I headed to my local Goodwill and found this U.G.L.Y. belt (for a whopping .99 cents) that I knew would be perfect for my bracelet. I even found a purse that I thought would work for the straps, but it didn't look that great when I made it...anyways... enter Exhibit A:
Then I cut out all the rings and got rid of the rope-ish, ribbon, belt part :)
After a little hot glue and satin ribbon, here is my Henri Lou inspired bracelet:
Henri Lou version- $80
Brittney's version- $3 (and that makes 4!)

Not too shabby :)


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