I had an extended stay in California with my family, and just got back to Georgia a couple weeks ago. I was able to help my Mom with a couple projects she has wanted to do, and my Grandmother's old buffet was one of them. My Mom has had this buffet for a really long time, so long that on the inside of one of the doors, was my name in pencil that I had written when I was little. Little enough to not even know how to write my name :)

I guess this project was meant for me! Of course, first step was to sand it down:

Then I did spray paint coat of primer, and put the antique white finish on we wanted. After a couple coats of that, we sanded the edges to give it that distressed look:

Sanding on this project was tedious since it was really detailed, but it added so much character that it was well worth the time. To warm it up, give it a little bit more dimension, and give it a nice seal, we put a glaze on top. We used a mixture of clear glaze and wood stain, I thought it was easy to work with and really liked how it turned out! Simply spread it on, and with an old t-shirt wipe off what you don't want. It's easy to play around with the glaze to get a feel for what you like. If you wipe off too much, just apply more, and if you want less, keep wiping :)

The glaze can take a long time to dry in all the crevasses, but you could always take a blow dryer to speed up that process! When it was done, this is what our project looked like:

Here's close-up of one of the doors, you can see how pretty it is :)

Isn't she
pretty?! I love how it turned out, one day I plan on stealing it for my house ;)

I conquered a major refinishing furniture fear with this project...
distressing! I was so nervous that I would sand the edges too much or too little, or even if the sanding would be in the right spots. Putting glaze on was new to me too, but I learned that you really can't mess it up! I can't wait to distress one of my own pieces! Thanks Mom for your help, and trusting me enough to refinish a sentimental piece!
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